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Simpler Claim Process Are Better


The simpler a claim process can be and the faster it can be processed, the better ex-pat medical insurance is ultimately deemed to be. This is because in a time when the client is injured or could be seriously ill, the last thing they and their families need to be worrying about is if everything is covered. The claims process should be user-friendly and not contain any hidden pieces of vital information that can invalidate the entire process, within reason. Better international medical insurance companies will do their level best to ensure that claims are processed within a week, or 5 working days. For families and clients, this can mean peace of mind is only a few days away.

However, there are requirements for certain types of treatment that need to be cleared before they begin. For instance, if treatment is scheduled to take place, the insurance company should be notified at least 7 days beforehand it is likely to cost over €1000. This must be undertaken in situations where it is possible because the insurance company can make sure that everything is paid for upfront. An agreement like this can offer significant protection and can mean that the client isn’t going to receive any unwanted complications.

Making a claim should be easy to fill in and the company website should have all of the claims forms ready to download. On top of this, there should also be a comprehensive phone service to offer assistance as well as online support.

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